Monday, March 23, 2009

Moving with the Times

The Team has decided to add a new feature to the blog. To reflect our cultured personalities and interests, a regular film and book review posting will be added to provide readers with an insight into our views and preferences on certain material (both adult and non-adult orientated).

Below is the first review submitted by KBD.

Title: Superbad (2007)

They Say: 'Come Get Some!'

I Say: 'Immature beyond belief'

I remember laughing once during the screening, the problem was it wasn't at the film. Never have I been subjected to such crudeness and rampant teenage debauchery. The audience would have voted with their feet but the doors were locked to get the numbers who actually have seen the movie into double figures...
Bizarre scenes were supposedly linked to a visonless plot revolving around a bottle of alcohol, fake id, inept cops and the 3 bumbling teenagers remained a mystery right to the end and forever will, as fate intervened when the DVD player (sensing the audience unrest), 'took one for the team' and shut itself down, permanently; before any sense could be made of the script.
It was a tough way to go out for a player that has no doubt screened many a fine movie, it unfortunately will be remembered by it's final act, playing a movie that was indeed; Super....Bad.

2 spokes out of 10 for this one. OR 'avoid at all costs' if you can't do the math.


ABD said...

I have to disagree with you on this one KBD....anything with Seth Rogin is funny! He refers to this movie as autobiographical because the only way he could get any girls as a teenager was to get them drunk!! I laughed my ass off through the entire movie.

The plot is fantastic....I give it 8 out of 10.

I'm a big fan of stupid humour, so any of these types of films are likely to get a high vote from me.

KBD said...

I will change the codes if you say one more positive thing about the movie I just reviewed.

ABD said...

If I remember correctly, another team member may have the same thoughts about this movie as I fact, I think this movie is in his DVD library.

Darren Mealing said...

I love that Movie!! Not as funny as The Flight of the Conchords Business time though.

drtommy said...

Looks like 3 out of 4 team members enjoyed the stupid humor of Superbad. I watched with Tom R. and we both laughed the entire time.

canwi said...

Awesome movie, kiwi boy you are out to lunch kind of like buying a schnauzer;)