Wednesday, December 7, 2011


A new colum will start to make an occasional, regular appearance on the blog.
The "Big Dealer of The Week" post will highlight significant feats from around the globe by persons who have demonstrated their fortitude, resilience and overall 'commitment to the cause'.

This weeks BDoTW shows how improvisation in adverse conditions can prove the difference between life & death.

Man Survives for three days on Frozen Beer

A man in the US has managed to survive nearly three days trapped in his pickup truck by eating cans of frozen beer.

Clifton Vial couldn't dig his truck out of a snowdrift in western Alaska.

He had no food or water and no coverage on his mobile phone.

The 52-year-old was eventually rescued and the ordeal left him 7kg lighter.

Clifton has not only shown the true meaning of the catchphrase 'survival of the fittest', but also developed a novel strategy for shedding those unwanted winter pounds. There's a spot at the next Team meeting/Bar for you Clifton if you're ever in town. Also the head instructor of 'Freddys Skid School' will more than likely be in attendance offering some advice.

Now for those readers that are struggling to keep up with the amount of new posts recently, rest assured this weeks activity has been an anomaly (akin to TBD moving himself anywhere physically). However, if readership does pique into double figures, posting frequency will be readdressed accordingly.

Until then, senior Team leadership are going international this weekend on a recruiting drive. So any questions regarding calorie consumption and off season training hours can be directed to the slowtwitch forum.

Blog, out.

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