Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The judges have spoken.
Its been a turbulent year for the newest member to the team. Having attained membership through the rigorous selection procedure, KBD was finally accepted via text message. Under the impression that it was a Body Building Team he purchased his baggy pants, string singlets and extra syringes. However there proved to be no use for those, actual requirements were a strong liver, knowledge of the Ales of British Columbia and North America and the ability to turn up on time. Most of which, despite his military experience, proved to be challenging on several occasions.
The inability to keep a kitchen tidy during a particularly period of the season may have also proved costly. (Certain other teammates shared the lack of effort in that area).
Perhaps more drinking and less training the judges would say.

1 comment:

ABD said...

Don't forget knowledge of the European Ales also......especially German,Dutch and Belgium