The Team has made a bold leap, just in time for Christmas too. A team issue jacket has been delivered via the equipment manager via TBD to all members who have finished a race this season and remain on the the roster at the time of this posting.
Some initial guidelines have been established by the equipment manager with regards to the wearing and conduct of members whilst wearing official team clothing;
1. Jacket will be zipped up when cameras are present (particularly during the off-season).
2. The jacket is to used for physical activity only (it is not a fashion piece).
3. Alcoholic beverages are NOT to be consumed when wearing the jacket.
4. Jacket is to be laundered weekly and stored on its own hanger at room temperature.
So if you are photographed in a bar with the jacket, unzipped, with nacho stains on it and holding a drink you should consider that a violation of the rules above.
Consequences have yet to be established for a violation, someone else can come up with those.